The Arts consist of: Drama, Music and Visual Arts.
As part of the MYP, The Arts challenge all students to: Explore movements and genres in Art in both historical and contemporary contexts. Develop practical and creative thinking skills to create pieces in the form of performance or visual artwork. Reflect on their development as an artist or performer.
In IB Visual Arts Diploma the curriculum focuses on three key aspects of art practice: Theoretical Exploration (The Critic), Art-Making Journey (The Maker), Curatorial Insight (The Curator).
Throughout MYP1-3, Visual Arts is offered to all students. Music and Drama are offered on a half year rotation. In MYP4 the students choose one subject of the Arts. In MYP5 students may choose to produce an ePortfolio of their chosen Art subject, in which they display all the artistic knowledge and skills that they have been learning during the previous 4 years.
The MYP uses the Arts Cycle as a way to structure the the curriculum. Every subject has 4 objectives:
Objective A: Investigating a movement or genre and critiquing of an artwork or performance.
Objective B: Developing ideas, skills and techniques with a clear artistic intention.
Objective C: Creating or performing an artwork.
Objective D: Evaluating their own artwork or performance and their development as an artist
In IB Visual Arts Diploma the curriculum focuses on three key aspects of art practice:
Theoretical Exploration (The Critic):
Engages students in investigative strategies, critical thinking, comparative analysis, and reflection. They will examine various art forms and artists across different times, places, and cultures, investigating the evolution of techniques and processes within their contextual frameworks. Students will explore effective ways of conveying knowledge through both visual and written means.
Art-Making Journey (The Maker):
Guides students through a journey of exploration and experimentation with diverse artistic techniques. They will develop personal concepts through this explorative process, fostering reflection and self-evaluation. The ultimate goal is for students to produce a thoughtful and considered body of work that reflects their artistic growth.
Curatorial Insight (The Curator):
Develops students' skills in informed viewing of artworks and exhibitions, cultivating the ability to formulate considered responses. Students will articulate intentions for the development and display of their personal work. Students will consider the relationship between artist and audience, exploring the significance of exhibiting work. Students will learn to select and present their work effectively, articulating intentions and establishing meaningful connections between artworks.
IB DP Visual Arts is structured around three primary components: The Comparative Study, The Process Portfolio, and The Exhibition, which showcases the artistic growth our students have gone through.