A day in the Primary Years

Welcome to ISH Primary! Do you have your backpack, your PE-kit, your snack, and your lunch? Let's go!

Our day starts as soon as the gate opens. On the playground, I meet up with some friends and we play tag for a few minutes until the doors open.

First, I hang my bag and coat up, I head inside and sit down on the carpet. Our teacher always asks us about our day or has a short activity ready for us to complete.

When everyone is in, we start with our first lesson, today that's English. Yesterday we completed some grammar activities and learned new words during spelling. Today, we are continuing in our Power of Reading book. I cannot wait to figure out what happens next. Our learning goal tells me we will be completing a freeze frame.

Once English is finished, we have our snack. Often, our teachers read to us from our class book. We picked this one together after voting between our suggestions.

Next, we start maths. I especially like this lesson as we can use manipulatives and take ownership of our learning by choosing the challenge that fits us. Once the period is finished, I clean up and line up ready to go outside to play.

After playtime, we head back inside and get ready for music. We walk to the music hall and see that we are working on creating a beat today.
Using the various instruments, my group made it really groovy!

During the lunch break, I play outside with my friends until we are called in for our next lesson, IPC. On the timetable, it shows we are working on Science and the learning goal shows us it's a skill! We spend the lesson measuring our plants and writing up the conclusion to our experiments. Afterwards, we reflect on the learning goal together.

The last lesson of our day is PE. Our current unit is all about 'healthy habits'. During this lesson, we create our own activity routine that we can even do at home!

After finishing, we head back to class. We are getting ready to line up again. I grab my coat and my bag. Time to go. Got a playdate to get to!

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