It is important that parents always notify the school in case of incidental absence less than a day. Examples include:
The school must be notified of all absences. Please submit an attendance excusal via ManageBac on the first day of the child's absence before 9.00 am. In case of an incidental absence, please mention a timeslot and the reason of the absence. Please make sure every absence will be submitted through ManageBac.
If it would be technically impossible to use ManageBac, please send an email to or make a phone call to school.
Attendance for students aged 5 and above during school hours is compulsory in The Netherlands. If you need to request a leave of absence for your child(ren) for one full school day or more please read the Absence Regulations document below before sending us your completed request of absence form together with relevant supporting documents. If possible, please send your request form at least 8 weeks in advance.
Because it is of the utmost importance that children attend school, attendance is compulsory in the Netherlands. There are strict rules for attending school. Students are not allowed to stay away from school when parents would like them to. Only under ‘extenuating circumstances’ it might sometimes be possible to make an exception to this rule. The Head of School Compliance decides about your request and might discuss this with the compliance officer of your municipality. Please complete and submit the leave of absence form below, as far as possible 8 weeks in advance.
Please be advised we are not allowed to approve leave of absence requests because of a wish to extend a holiday or because traveling abroad on an earlier departure day will be less expensive. Further reasons which can and cannot be approved can be found in the Absence Regulations document below.
The compliance department receiving your request of absence form will reply to you within 5 working days. In some cases, requests may need additional time as contact with the Compliance Officer of the Haarlem municipality may be needed before an outcome can be determined and then the process will take longer.
Please send this and any additional documents to and mention your child's last name in the name of the file.